Thursday, June 28, 2012

Race Report, June 24th

Epping New Hampshire, aka MX101.

Not a good day. The NESC keeps putting the 30+ and 35+ at the end of the day and almost back to back, so I ran the Open Novice as well to keep the day interesting. This was my first time ever racing Epping, and I've gotten about an hour of seat time over the past month due to various injuries. Long story short, bad things happened.

First race of the day was the Open Novice. Shitty start, rode ok, arms pumped up, crashed on lap two, and was run over. On the plus side, I was run over by a very nice girl and she was very apologetic. I don't meet many nice girls these days because all I freaking do is ride and work. But anyways, I ran a couple more races, my wrist really hurt, and that was my day. Somehow I ended up beating 4 people in the open class and still got a couple points, but the day was pretty much abysmal.

Here are a couple helmetcam vids from the day:

Open Novice Moto 1 (with sweet crash at the end):

 30+ Moto 1:
Ok, Blogger sucks when it comes to YouTube Videos and I can't figure out how to get the embed code right because it's ten o'clock and I'm tired, so here's the link.