Thursday, May 24, 2012

Doing the Happy Dance, feeling the flow

Just went to the gym at work and had the best workout I've had in years. I fired up my music, hopped on the elliptical, and cranked out 4 miles in 30 minutes. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I wasn't thinking about how long it was taking, or hoping it would be over, or anything really. I was just feeling The Flow and cranking on it as hard as I could. I probably could have gone another 30 minutes.

The Flow is all I've been after for years, both on and off the bike. It's my single Reason For Being and the reason I do what I do. For years, riding has just been an escape from my otherwise mediocre existence and a way for me to escape to a place where I don't have a hundred things rattling around in my head. Trophies are not the goal. Winning races is not the goal. Speed, as Memphis Raines so eloquently put it, is a by-product. My goal is to get my shit in order such that, when riding or exercising or doing any kind of intense activity, I'm not thinking about the activity. I'm doing the activity.

I knew I was doing well when the machine told me to slow down because my heart rate was too high. Now I need to get my ass on the track and get to that same level of Flowness (Flowocity? Flowrannasaurus Rex?), and enjoy the by-products.

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